Light Pole Art & Sidewalk Inlays
1. A series of small, spinning wind sculptures on the light poles will create a visual representation of the wind - connecting back to the overall theme of sky and clouds that honors our hot air balloon tradition. The sculptures are a primary way-finding marker for the corridor, providing an eye-catching visual cue that draws visitors in and leads them to explore the area.
2. We will add artistic inlays to the sidewalk to visually link the corridor, provide wayfinding, and add a fun element that encourages visitors to walk through. The inlays will draw on the same themes as the storytelling tour, cloud sculptures, and other elements.
Implementation Partner: City of Indianola

We will mark the "Wonder on Buxton" corridor with two branding and way-finding elements: one above your head and one under your feet.

Example of sidewalk inlays in another community. An Indianola-specific design will be created for this project.