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Goals and Benefits
  • Connect the downtown Square and Simpson college in a visible and celebratory way

  • Tell the Story of Indianola and Warren County - our past, our present and our unique culture

  • Provide gathering spaces for community events and impromptu gatherings, and serve as a “spill-over”area for events on the square

  • Attract visitors and residents to spend time here, visit our businesses, and get to know our story

  • Celebrate and strengthen community pride and identity


This project was first conceived as an objective of the 2020 Indianola Vision Plan created by Hometown Pride and its partners, and approved by city council. It was previously referred to as the “culture walk.”


Why here? Why now? This area of North Buxton is where several of our important community institutions intersect and connect. The square and Justice Center are on the south end, Simpson College is on the north end, and in between we have two historic buildings -one is home to Warren County while the other houses Des Moines Metro Opera. As the improvements to the square and justice center are completed, this becomes a logical way to extend and build on these assets. Our timing for North Buxton (2023-2024) allows us to come in on the tail end of those projects, so that we can coordinate seamlessly with them, without overlapping.

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